Author: Ciara McGrath

  • Junior Room

    Junior Room

    The Junior Room did a presentation for us recently. They gave us facts about the animals they had been learning about. They told us about their habitats and characteristics. They also sang a song for us.

  • Denmark


    All the Juniors are very sad to say goodbye to Oscair Whelan. Oscair is moving to Denmark with his family. Mrs. Sheehan did a project on Denmark with the children and they have learned all about the Vikings, Hans Christian Anderson and lots more. The children put together a book for Oscair to take with…

  • Postal Bible School

    Postal Bible School

    Each month the Senior Room completes sheets on different stories in the Bible. We send then off and they get corrected by people working with Postal Bible School, they are all volunteers. Noel and Liza came with our prizes. We sang some songs, listen to a Bible story and had a quiz. Then we picked…

  • Science – Senior Room

    Science – Senior Room

    This term in Science we have been studying gravity, air resistance, levers, air pressure, forces and friction. We have carried out lots of experiments. Here are some of them. 1. Levers – To show that the nearer the fulcrum is to the load; the easier it is to lift the load. Materials: • A bag…

  • Proclamation Day

    Proclamation Day

    On March 15th 2016 we had a 1916 Proclamation Day Event. We invited the parents and families of the children to attend the event. After praying for the people of Ireland past, present and future and raising the flag, we sang the National Anthem accompanied on violin by Kathyrn Draper. The children gave demonstrations of…

  • Cricket


    A man named Jim came in and did cricket with us. We were meant to do it in the Cricket Field but it was too wet, so we did it in the top yard at school. We did some running exercises and hand-eye co-ordination exercises. Then we went in to a match. The winning team…

  • Drama


    Recently Junior Infants up to 6th have been doing Drama with a lady called Donna. We do games and make scenes. Everyone participates and has fun. It is a great experience and teaches acting, improve and much more. We get to know each other better all while having a good time. It is great.

  • Cycling


    On Mondays for 3 weeks we went to the Community Centre to do cycling with Jason and Malcolm.  The lessons last for 1 and ½ hours each week. First we learned the different hand signals for turning left, right, going straight ahead and slowing down. We learned that you always need to look over your…