Author: LMNS
Board of Management Meeting
Please click here to view a summary of the most recent Board of Management Meeting.
Safer Internet Day
To highlight the importance of safety when using the internet, we are celebrating Safer Internet Day on Tuesday. Below is a link for parents to get some information about guiding their children online 🙂 Parents
Welcome Back
A big welcome back to everyone (back to Seesaw!) after Christmas. Some fantastic learning from home happening. A big thank you to the teachers for all the prerecorded lessons, zooms and interactions online to ensure learning continues. A big thank you to the students and parents for such great levels of engagement and for succeeding…
Christmas Raffle
A big thank you to everyone for supporting our annual raffle and to those who donated prizes. We raised €220. Happy Christmas to everyone.
Christmas Jumper Day for Crumlin (Junior Room)
We wore our Christmas jumpers to raise money for Crumlin Children’s Hospital. A great charity and it really got us in the Christmas spirit!
Christmas Jumper Day for Crumlin (Senior Room)
We wore our Christmas jumpers to raise money for Crumlin Children’s Hospital. A great charity and it really got us in the Christmas spirit!